Innovative Leader in the Staffing & Recruiting Industry

Retain Excellence

Our company was founded on the underlying belief that the business models and product offerings of Staffing and Executive Search firms has been stagnant for decades and is in dire need of change. Simply put, we exist to improve both the client and candidate experience.

Find & Build Your Executive Team With Us

It all starts with being experts in our local market. Every market has its own unique characteristics that must be considered when providing search services. There is no “one size fits all” aspect to recruiting. We are experts at helping companies find qualified executives that are not only perfect for their organizations, but also relevant in the local marketplace.

Our company recognizes that the hiring process extends well beyond the “bullet points” on the job description. Let us separate the mediocre candidates from those who excel.

Latest Posts

The one quality a candidate should never have

The one quality a candidate should never have

When you’re looking for a job, you want to be as agreeable as possible. Right?Well... not exactly.Let me explain.Whether hiring for a leadership role, a creative role or an administrative role, recruiters look for people who think for themselves.This doesn’t mean...

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HEALTHCARE – The power of stories in fighting COVID-19

HEALTHCARE – The power of stories in fighting COVID-19

Time for a story. To state the blisteringly obvious, most healthcare professionals have spent the past few months figuring out how to fight COVID-19. The virus is pernicious and mean, and difficult to catch up with. I read something recently in Kaiser Health News...

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The rush to make video calls better

The rush to make video calls better

Should we hop on Zoom? It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard a million times by now. In these “distanced” times, video calling apps are getting an extended moment in the spotlight. Of course, where there is demand there is innovation. I recently read a TechCrunch piece...

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Provider of Exclusive Opportunities

The team at Abel Consulting & Executive Search draws on 50+ years of collective hands on experience in C-Suite Operational Management and Executive Search. This sets the stage for us to accelerate the careers of top performers by introducing them to “exclusive” opportunities that are not being shared by dozens of other firms on the street.


Our Ideology

We exist to improve the condition of both the client and the candidate as this is the only measure that matters. While technological advances certainly add value, we believe there is no substitute for the building of solid relationships. We acknowledge that at one point or another, we were all either clients or candidates. Hence, we treat everyone the way that we would expect to be treated ourselves.

Let’s Get Started

Clients and Candidates… we recognize that actions speak way louder than words. This is about outcomes and results as this is where the real value lies. Let us show you first-hand why we represent the next generation of Executive Search firms. It will be a call worth making.

(702) 825-4410