Why Candidates Turn Down Jobs

by | Sep 15, 2021 | executive candidates, executive search consultants

So, you found a candidate you were crazy about and made an offer.

And they turned it down. Why?

As a recruiter, I have plenty of personal insight and anecdotal evidence to answer this question, but I also respect analytical data like Glassdoor provides on the subject.

Glassdoor data shows that one in six job offers are rejected, and that number has been steadily climbing for a few years.
See the full article in the comments below.

One thing I found interesting about the findings: candidates who consider their interviews to be “difficult” are far more likely to accept the job.
When an interview is challenging, candidates — particularly younger ones — correlate that with a potential employer’s worthiness. They also appreciate if an interview includes a skills test.

This supports the notion that employers often lose sight of. And that is: CANDIDATES ARE INTERVIEWING YOU AT THE SAME TIME THAT YOU ARE INTERVIEWING THEM.

If you really want to impress a candidate, you may have to raise the bar a bit.
Interesting stuff.

I welcome your thoughts…

You found a candidate you were crazy about and made an offer. And they turned it down. Why? Interesting article, you can find it here https://bit.ly/3hLnrcc