Why feedback matters, even if you decide not to hire

by | Sep 10, 2021 | executive candidates, executive search consultants

There’s nothing as frustrating for a candidate as pouring their heart and soul into applying and interviewing for a job, only to be ghosted.

Sadly, that’s the experience a lot of people tend to have. Over the last few months, as I’ve browsed my LinkedIn feed, I’ve noticed a trend in people posting about their bad experiences with a job hunt.

A lot of people are looking for work right now, and it’s a scramble on both sides. Candidates are eager to land jobs; hiring managers are deluged with applicants and sometimes handling change within their company as well.

So, I get why some hiring managers just don’t manage to circle back to every single candidate they speak with. But there’s no excuse for ghosting a candidate who has made the effort to show up for an interview.

If you work with a recruiter like myself, I’ll make a point of closing the loop with each candidate, so no one feels left behind. Rest assured, despite the volume of people looking now, I will eventually circle back. It may take a little longer, but you are not forgotten.

Hiring managers: even if you decide not to hire someone, letting them know why can be a valuable bit of information in their overall job search.